"Everyone seems..."

From an exercise in the workshop "Fitting and misfitting in the bi community" at BiCon 2002.
For the full context, please read the account of the workshop.

People were invited to fill in the blanks in the following phrases:

At BiCon, everyone seems _____________,
but I _____________
but I'm ____________
In the bi community, everyone seems _____________,
but I _____________
but I'm ____________

"Everyone seems" was specifically to be an initial impression or a thought you'd had at some point. I.e. on reflection, you wouldn't necessarily think it was really true.

Anyone who didn't want their page to go outside of the room was able to remove it before the end of the workshop, but as far as I know, no-one actually did that.

Notes on the transcription below:

  1. Each person's responses are grouped. Horizontal rules separate different people's writing.

  2. Elsewhere on www.uncharted-worlds.org, "underline" formatting is reserved for indicating links. But on this page only, it's also used to reproduce underlining that was present in the originals.

In the bi community, everyone seems equally experienced with both sexes, but I'm less experienced with women than with men

In the bi community, everyone seems to know each other!
but I'm a bit out of touch because I live in Chester!

In the bi community, everyone seems to know lots of terminology to describe different states, but I often don't know what people mean

At BiCon everyone seems to be confident, but I'm shy

At BiCon everyone seems to know everyone, but I don't

At BiCon almost everyone seems to be British, but I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems to be cool, but I'm a geek

At BiCon all the women seem to want to pull men but I really want to find a woman!

At BiCon everyone seems goth
but I'm not!

At BiCon everyone seems white
but I'm Asian

At BiCon everyone seems sexually experienced
but I'm not!

At BiCon everyone seems really into their computers
but I'm not so much into computers

At BiCon everyone seems to know each other
but I'm a newbie!

At BiCon everyone seems comfortable talking about sex but I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems to believe in the idea of a bi community but I'm not so sure

At BiCon everyone seems accepting of difference but not so accepting of normality but I'm not sure. (and no comments about me being an uncertain bisexual please)

In the bi community everyone seems friendly but I'm not

In the bi community everyone seems to be on the pull but I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems to be quite fixated on the idea of sexuality as lifestyle but I'm not, or maybe not

At BiCon nearly everyone seems to be a white internet user. I am, but I'd rather there was more inclusiveness and diversity.

At BiCon, everyone seems to be a goth, but I'm non-goth.

At BiCon, everyone seems to be with lots of friends, but I'm not

At BiCon, everyone seems to be polyamorous, but I'm monogamous

At BiCon, everyone seems to be very out, but I'm fairly closeted

At BiCon everyone seems to belong
but so do I!

At BiCon everyone seems friendly with their friends
so I am not alone (bit confused here!)

At BiCon everyone is different
and I like that

In the bi community everyone seems to be in London or Manchester (except at BiCon) but I'm in Canterbury

At BiCon everyone seems enthusiastic, but I'm tired!

At BiCon everyone wants to value diversity...

At BiCon everyone seems to either dress up or not care about their appearance and I'm kinda in the middle.

In the Bi community people seem to think the community is the best thing ever, but I'm really not so sure.

At BiCon everyone seems to have tattoos / piercings / dyed hair but I don't

At BiCon everyone seems to be having sex with others but I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems confident
But I'm shy

At BiCon everyone seems poly
But I'm monogamous

At BiCon everyone seems goth
But I'm not :-)

At BiCon everyone seems to be Londoners
But I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems dressed-up
But I'm scruffy

At BiCon everyone seems over-excited
But I'm trying to be calm

At BiCon everyone seems trying to pull
But I'm in a relationship

At the BiCon everyone seems to be very open but I'm not used to that!

At the BiCon everyone seems to be extremely relaxed but I'm shitting myself!

At the BiCon everyone seems to be an individual but I just feel weird.

At BiCon everyone seems to be a goth/witch/pagan/geek but I'm not

At BiCon everyone seems to know everyone else
But I do not

At BiCon EVERYONE seems to know each other
But I don't really know anyone :-(

Everybody seems to know everybody else well.
But I don't.

Everybody seems to be colourful and interesting.
But I don't feel that way, most of the time.

At BiCon everyone seems to get off with one another
but I don't

At BiCon everyone seems to meet lots of new people
but I hang round with the same old bunch I already know

In the bi community everyone seems to like the Nine Inch Nails
but I can't stand them

At BiCon everyone seems to have lots of money
but I'm not rich

At BiCon everyone seems to be stylish, sexy and outrageous
but I feel boring and frumpy

In the bi community, everyone seems to be poor but I'm not (currently!)

In the bi community everyone seems to have a tattoo/piercing but I don't (yet!)

In the bi community, everyone seems to like grunge/goth music but I like dance/R+B as well.

In the bi community, everyone seems to know everyone else, but I only know about twenty people (Ahh!)

At BiCon everyone seems to be bdsm, but I'm vanilla

At BiCon everyone seems to be pagan, but I'm non-practising/lapsed Christian/Buddhist

At BiCon everyone seems to be poly, but I'm gender-monogamous

At BiCon everyone seems to be goth, but I'm trendy

At BiCon everyone seems to have bad taste in music, but I like dance trax / Garage / R&B

At BiCon everyone seems to be sociable, but I'm detached

At BiCon everyone seems to be chatting ppl up, but I'm too shy

At BiCon everyone seems to be partying, but I'm tired / want peace & quiet after 1am

At BiCon everyone seems to be drunk, but I'm sober

At BiCon a lot of people seem to be lonely
but the Noshers' Network is a good idea.

At BiCon everyone seems more confident
but I'm terribly shy
Even though I've got company, mixing with new people is difficult.

At BiCon everyone seems to
wear interesting clothes, but I don't.
be a goth
be cool + trendy
be more confident than me
be more comfortable with small groups in workshops
cope with being put on the spot better than me.

At BiCon everyone seems to be getting off with someone

At BiCon everyone seems to be varied
At BiCon everyone seems to be a mixture
At BiCon everyone seems to be unconventional
People seem
... alternative
... goths
... polyamorous
... SM
... fat/thin
... summery clothes
... dykey/femmy
... transgendered
... mostly young

At BiCon everyone seems to be very selfconfident
But I only feel moderately selfconfident

At BiCon everyone seems to know everyone else
But I only know a couple of people

^ (First impressions only partly confirmed)

In the Bi Community eveyrone seems to be goth/polyamorous/pagan/cross-dressers/non-mainstream/radical queer/(some of this applies to everyone)
But I'm mainstream and conventional (but I'm working on it.)

At BiCon everyone seems fine
But I'm reserving judgement

At BiCon there is diversity
But I'm the same as everyone else.

At BiCon, everyone seems to be more certain about where they are on a bisexual scale of 1:10 [=reference to an earlier exercise in the same workshop]
but I feel that it's a lot more complex
and I just don't want to be pigeonholed.

At BiCon, everyone seems to know each other or others in the "community"
But I feel that I'm having to make a real effort every moment of the day

At BiCon, everyone seems to project an image of happy confidence

No.1: An individual!
No.2: I'm also one too!
This is not a cop out

In the bi community everyone seems to like Buffy but I don't.

In the bi community everyone seems to be goth

In the bi community everyone seems to be well spoken

At BiCon everyone seems to be getting lots of love
But not poor old me (sniff, violins).

Everyone's got really fantastic clothes
But not poor old me.
I need someone to hold my hand and show me the way
Someone. Anyone. Heeelp...

In the bi community, everyone seems to be comfortable but I'm still finding my way

In the bi community, everyone seems to understand, but I'm just starting

At BiCon, everyone seems to be experienced, but I'm not

At BiCon, everyone seems to be having fun but I'm feeling kinda stressed out

At BiCon, everyone seems confident but I just feel nervous!

In the BiCon everyone seems to know someone & not welcoming to new people
But I'm shy & it's hard to make friends

At BiCon, everyone seems socially adept
but I'm squeaky

At BiCon, everyone seems connected
but I'm lonely

everyone seems so in the know + cool
but I'm clueless.

seems to be confident in their chosen persona
but I feel unsure

In the bi community, everyone seems to know each other (within 2 degrees of separation)

In the bi community, everyone seems accepting of gay/straight/bi/undecided
- more than gay/straight "community"

In the bi community, everyone seems more forward/hedonistic
- but I'm still not that confident

In the bi community, everyone seems independent-minded

In the bi community, everyone seems varied!

In the bi community, everyone seems to be on LJ :-)
[LJ=LiveJournal - see www.livejournal.com]

At BiCon, everyone seems to be in their own little worlds!
But I'm in my own little world!

At BiCon, everyone seems to be trying to be different.
But I'm already different!